Scammer News
Compensation Scam Africa Scam

Crime Scene: South African Reserve Bank in Pretoria- Fake HSBC wants to release funds

Caracal Rooikat, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Nice try, unfortunately ineffective.

The story is age-old and was already circulating through email inboxes in 2009-2011.

Now the creators of the scammer programmes have relaunched this broadcast, quickly changed a few names and then out with it.

What is new, however, is that the governor of the South African Reserve Bank resides in Ukraine.

That’s where he conducts his murky business.

Given the prominence in the email, it is easy to overlook this. The scribbler who started this insane story has lost track of who is with whom, where and when.

Therefore, because it is just identity theft, the real personalities have no idea about the fortune of the shifted millions. Throw the mail in the bin, don’t reply, don’t pay and don’t send any documents.

International Banking


Dear Valued Beneficiary:

We are pleased to inform you that we have finally concluded arrangement towards your refund/lottery pay out which has been delayed for a Long Period of time because of your Cooperation and Dealings with Wrong Officials and importers of banks as your fund returned back to us on the 4th of Jan 2021 when we confirmed the rate of delays and questionable activities that has been related by the previous administrative banks alongside with others that collaborated in delaying the release of your fund after all charges and payments demanded were paid.

Recently, the Ministry of Finance of United Kingdom, Bank of England, HSBC Bank Plc UK and United Kingdom Inland Revenue Services held a meeting on how this fund will be released to the beneficiaries to their designated bank accounts in their country without further delay since we are in the first half of the economic year 2021 and it is now overdue to be released as the said funds belongs to them.

We apologize for the delay of the payment and all the inconveniences that this might have caused you during this period of time. However we have instructed all the banks in the globe which we previously asked to help us pay out this fund to the general public to STOP the process of the release of the fund due to their incompetence and negligence of duty towards the release of this fund. After our findings, some were arrested and charged for theft according to Section 1 of the Theft Act 1978, as amended by the Theft (Amendment) Act 1996 law of the United Kingdom.

The Bank of England Governor (Mr Andrew Bailey) has given serious warning and Instructions and ordered the Inland Revenue Services Department of England to quickly release all on hold funds which are in their escrow account to the sole beneficiaries which you are among those who will receive their Inheritance funds.

Please contact ONLY the Executive member of the Monetary Policy Committee of South African Reserve Bank (Dr Rashad Cassim) on his email: to advise you on how to procure the certificate of claim as the law of South Africa demands that without it there will not be any payment whether pending loan amount, lottery fund, inheritance funds or whatsoever fund locally or internationally perhaps you have not yet received it.

Provide below details to Dr Rashad Cassim for his clarification:

Full Name……. Tel……………..

Address……… Amount…………..

City………… Country………….

Copies of documents pertaining to the fund.

Best Regards,
Mr.James Emmett.
Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Bank plc.
United Kingdom


Reference to the Approval notice you received from HSBC Bank Plc, the
letter serves
as a confirmation that all the unpaid Lottery/contracts and compensation
funds has
been Approved for payments and our bank the Reserve Bank of South Africa,
have the
mandated as indicated in the letter to ensure the release of the funds to the

We are also taking precautionary measures to see that all the
beneficiaries receives
their payments as soon as possible. To enable our Bank to process the
release of
your fund to you, we advise that you kindly furnish us with the following

Full Name…….
Date of birth…
Next of Kin…..
Next of Kin Email…
Next of Kin Phone…

Your passport or ID copy.

These information will enable us to process your file for the immediate
release of
your payments to you.

Mean while (US$5,000,000.00) five million dollar has been Approved in your
favor and
we will guide you on the process in which the fund will be released to
you at the
earliest possible time. HSBC Bank Plc, has made all the funds available
and the fund
is Insured to ensure that all the beneficiaries receives their payments
without any
hitch, hence we are working as the Apex bank to carry out the processing and
releasing of the payments to the beneficiaries.

We require your maximum co-operation to this regard, and also stop further
communications with any other authority in any part of the world except
through my directives as advised by HSBC Bank Plc. Our mood of payment is through
Bank to Bank
Transfer and ATM master card. Once we process your file and gets all the
paper works
ready, Our bank will issue you with an Electronic ATM master card and
post it to
you so that you will be able to access your funds in any ATM machine

We will guide you on the process in which we have to work through in
making sure
that your fund is released to you at the earliest possible time. We look
forward in
hearing from you and to receive the required information.

Thanks for your understanding.

Dr.Rashad Cassim
Deputy Governor Reserve Bank of South Africa

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