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Featured Romance Scam

A disgrace to the Philippines – Melissa Lonjawon Sereno

One of our German readers, whom we will call Otto in this context, brought us this story, which, were it not for documents, one would not want to believe.

Mahal 😭😭😭🙏 please give me a second chance 😭😭😭 I will do my best to work and give the money back to you even how many years I will work.. 😭 I am verry sorry mahal I am not a scammer.. my feelings to you was real 😭😭😭 

Now Otto has filed criminal charges in the Phillipines and the beautiful, ever articulate Melissa is silent. We asked her for a statement after she had relieved Otto of 80,000 euros within one year. How and if she want’s to pay it back, is not known. She said like every scammer bye-bye, baby.

Anybody who has got information on this persons, scammer news, 2023

With ever new stories that she invented to get money. In fact, there was also a meeting that particularly pleased the love-struck Otto.

It’s true you don’t love me even a little?💔💔 because me 100 percent I do love you verry much😭😭😭 I wish you all the best in life mahal I hope you can find the right one for you that love you unconditionally and take good care of you..I wish that’s me but will never happend anymore,😭😭😭thank you so much that I feel how special I am and respect me,, thank you for being good to me in for 16.months thank you so much..I am sorry if I always message you even you don’t like to hear from me.. I wish you can give me a second chance😭😭😭I will do my best that your trust and love will be back 😭😭😭 mahal you can me a slave a maid I will do everything to you just to be with you 😭😭😭I really love you 😭😭

But Melissa, who always sat bored on the sofa, engrossed in TicToc, was not above playing her part in this play, which she had mastered to perfection.

Anybody knows this woman? Reward for information is out, scammer news, 2023

There were her helpers, who were also always in need of something, between house ghosts, terrorists on Mindanao and ever-increasing difficulties in obtaining a visa for the EU.

There were stories that would have immediately struck a normal person as a scam, when poor Melissa had to pay, was supposedly going to prison, the little pizza stand of the tattooed girl with the braces.

[15.08.2023, 07:27:23] My Globe, Melissa: Dear can you send a 10 (000) mahal😬😬😬😨😨 we are really scared mahal me and lugagay..even we are in the kitchen the room where we stay was have something walking so loud.even no person in the room..
[15.08.2023, 07:27:45] My Globe, Melissa: I need to get even a cheap hotel mahal please🥺🥺🥺😭😨😨😨
[15.08.2023, 07:27:57] My Globe, Melissa: I saw the black shadow again in the stairs

Fires, which were accompanied by pictures from the television of the last few years, the army, shootings, daily typhoons and again and again Can I borrow for this and that. It was all a scam by an evil gang on the Mindanao island, who were having a great time fleecing the poor man again.

Driven by hatred against LGBTs, driven by a never-ending greed for money and always new stories. When she convinced Otto that she had never been to Malta, that her house was not haunted, their romance came to an abrupt end.

Jessa, who always had her camera ready to shoot films for the next victims, enjoyed herself in her xxl-body.

Of course, like Richelle or Angel, she was a brutal conspirator who only let Otto come to the Philippines to do business, to be able to sell the films and pictures with Otto so that someone else would fall for the likeable man to cash in again. The stage was perfectly chosen, tropical palm trees, the sea, exotic scenery. An engagement with the woman took place. She wanted to marry him. As he drove away, the farewell song was loud, (Our Daddy is going home) the lying Melissa still wasted tears.

We want to publish all the lying chat with this person, and the mental wounds she inflicted on her victim.

As a warning to others, of course. That is why we anonymize the scam.

There will be a long article about this, but we wanted to report it now so that the vacated space is not occupied by someone who could fall for the scammer girl.

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Flueli September 14, 2023 at 3:09 PM

I was a prey to this blackmailer a few years ago. It took years and many US$ to get rid of her and her network of acquaintances. I met her on ph.cupid, 2019. On one occasion, she tried to get a visa to Portugal and Poland. I paid for it, then she suddenly disappeared after a bereavement in which a family member had been killed. She wanted to set up a cottage by the sea. In Luzon. I have met the person pictured twice. I do not begrudge Otto and wish him the best of luck.

Richard September 15, 2023 at 12:28 PM

Good read
I met the woman in a bar in Davao City. I recognized her by her female mustache, which is meaningless.
She is a fraud. Actually, these people are all about money. This woman who was pictured there had tattoos on her chest. I’m surprised she could still go on like that. At some point I received text messages, it was in connection with some begging matter.

The Story Spinning and Self-Pity of Miss Melissa Lonjawon Sereno · Scammer News September 16, 2023 at 11:09 AM

[…] Having spent a fortune within a year, along with her partner in crime Jessa Jane Lugagay, she cried her eyes out for a second chance to scam. Please, read the first article. […]

Hector October 21, 2023 at 9:27 AM

(Sorry for writing in Spanish. Can you translate) If I am not mistaken, this is a woman of whom I have some knowledge. She didn’t have those tattoos then, she looked different. But she was braced. I couldn’t believe what I was reading. At the beginning of 2019 I met with her through cupid. It was the same storylines as described here. She was a scammer and she was a waste of my money, time and energy. I have not recovered from it until today.

There were a lot of stories that I could not place. I flew to Davao, it seemed to me that Davao was the base of operations of this group. But it wasn’t until later that I realised this. Four thugs approached me.
I filed a complaint in Manila because my mobile phone and money had suddenly disappeared. My apartment had been broken into. I flew back home after the investigation was closed. The embassy was of no help to me.
This vile creature contacted me for years afterwards. There were threats that if I did not pay the money, she would accuse me of rape and other things. In the end, everything was filmed. I was threatened from Hong Kong. There were accusations that I did things I never did. I had other problems because my details were being sold everywhere.


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