Month : December 2023
It is possible that this email is real, but there are a number of red flags that make it seem suspicious. These include:...
Ja, diese E-Mail ist ein Betrug. Die E-Mail-Adresse des Absenders ist nicht eine offizielle Google-E-Mail-Adresse....
Scammers ATM-Department
The sender's e-mail address is not a legitimate e-mail address for an ATM card payment processing centre. The sender claims that you have been selected...
Philippines Covid-19 Scam
Yes, it is very likely to be a scam. Here are some red flags that indicate it is:...
Fake Zenith Bank Betrug
Diese E-Mail ist höchstwahrscheinlich ein Betrugsversuch. Hier sind einige Gründe dafür:...
Kindergarten of Scammer
This email is a scam. The United Nations and the IMF do not award funds to random individuals through emails....
This is a scam email from someone pretending to be from Bank of America. Bank of America will never ask you to purchase gift cards...
El Fondo Monetario Internacional-Fake
Este correo electrónico es una estafa. El Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) no está distribuyendo fondos de compensación a través de tarjetas de cajero automático....
New method of sextortion- with qr-code
This is a phishing scam, which is an attempt to trick you into revealing your personal or financial information or sending money to a scammer....
Security watch for Scammers
This email is a scam. There are many red flags that indicate this, including:...