Scammer News
Lost and Found Scam Ghana Scam

Re: Dear Consignment Owner

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Millions lost and now found

Obviously, the story with the box is false. The perpetrators are only interested in collecting for the transport, as they announced in their first mail. Big names, nothing behind them
Never answer, if you are harassed by the perpetrators, contact your local police.






Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP)
28th February Road, Accra, Ghana
Ref: FMF/SGH/231/20


Dear Consignment Owner.


This is to inform you that your courier service deliveryman has arrived with your over-due inhheritance fund consignment box value $10million dollars in Los Angeles International Airport California, United States, as their transit. With all due respect, you really have to stop dealing with those people that are contacting you and telling you that your fund is with them, it is not in anyway with them, they are only taking advantage of you and they will dry you up until you have nothing and be assured that you will receive your consignment box within 6hrs as soon you comply with the courier service deliveryman.


I known that you will receive this massage as surprise, but this is to clearly inform you that the courier service man by name MR. BRIAN MOLEFE which we the (MOFEP) send to deliver your inheritance fund $10million loaded in a Metal Trunk Box weighing approximately 110kg has successfully arrived your country and he is at the Los Angeles International Airport California, United States, he need your attention to direct him to the nearest airport to your door step. therefore you are advise to contact him right now to enable him leave the airport as fast as he can to avoid the box not to be tampered knowing that the papers covering the box is said to be carrying hospital equipment’s as he was equally told too. The Consignments like I said are metal trunk box weighing about 110kg (Internal dimension: W61 x H156 x D73 (cm) effective Capacity: 680 L) Approximately, FYI: send him text massage to his phone number below in case he dose not have access to check his email at airport okay.






(FYI). Call and make sure you SMS him at: +1 213-262-0243


(FYI). E-mail Him at :




1. THE REGISTRATION NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MFCP/X44061/ACC/RA/GH
2. THE BATCH NUMBER OF THE BOX. . . . . . . . . . FMF/SGH/261/820


So contact him to deliver your package first thing tomorrow morning possibly today, So get back to us immediately you contact the Agent to make sure that your fund has getting to you without any hitch,


Furthermore, remember the Agent delivery the package does not know the content of that consignment box is money, because the Attorney which represented you registered it as hospital equipment’s for security purpose during the delivery, so unknown circumstances should you let him know the content of that consignment Box is $10million to avoid lost of your fund as your consignment was Sign and Stamp by Supreme Court of Ghana to make sure that it is protected until it gets to you.


Yours Sincerely,
Hon. Ken Ofori-Atta
Chief Financial Officer
The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MFCP)

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