Scammer News
Compensation Scam Identity Theft

Attention:Beneficiary-Simon Archer of Chicago snaps your not existing funds

Anita Young IMF Scam Photo moritz320

Of course, you can ask yourself how stupid the scammers think you are, or how stupid the world thinks you are. Anita Young is by far the dumbest letter in a long chain of scammer mails from the Fake IMF. It is so bad that no one should reply to it or even send any documents. Put it straight in the digital dustbin. The real IMF has nothing to do with this madness.

Attention,  .

My name is Mrs. Anita Young the Payment Director of Operation (IMF)
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in conjunction with the World
Bank has commenced on an Anti-Fraud compensation payment scheme
following the incessant petitions and complains from Fraud related
victims, haven’t completed verification on your compensation payment
in your name.

It is imperative to inform you that you name has been verified for the
second time cleared for such compensation payment of US$2,500,000.00
which shall be made payable to you by the accredited paying bank in
the United Kingdom as soon as you reconfirm your information’s as
requested bellow:

Your Full Name:……………….?
Your Address:…………………..?
ID Card:……………………………..?
Bank Details:…………………………?

As soon as this is done we shall verified again to avoid mistake of
identity payment this is because our Anti Fraud Unit is investigating
Mr. Simon Archer of Chicago in the United States of America who claims
to have received a power of attorney from you asking the paying bank
to issue the ATM debit card in his name .

He came with some endorsed document requesting that the ATM Debit
should be made to his name and sent to his address in the United
States of America, now that you have confirm to us that you never ask
him to we have handed over to our Anti-Fraud compensation payment to
look into.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs. Anita Young.

Director of Operation

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