Quite simply, the identity was stolen to be able to load a malware programme in the form of a ZIP file onto the victim’s computer. The fake mail from TNT Skypack is not badly presented, probably copied. The old rule applies: Think first, then click and download.
Expect a package? No, well, even curiosity should not drive you when you receive such texts. Moreover, only the e-mail address is used in the salutation. That alone is suspicious
Move the mail to the digital waste bin and don’t forget to delete it immediately. Do not reply and do not use the links.

Greetings ,
Your consignment have been booked via TNT EXPRESS is scheduled for delivery on June 21.
But your shipment address is missing please kindly review the shipping details attached to confirm if every information is correct to enable us dispatch.
Attached is the shipping document for clearing and reference purposes
If you would like to find out about the many ways TNT helps you to track your shipment, or if you would like to know more about the services provided by TNT, simply connect to www.tnt.com and select your location at any time.

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