Our reader was about to pay the money, but then she had doubts, Western Union, a bank ECO Bank, she thought to herself, that can only be rotten.
That’s right! It is also rotten.
James Oha is the Sundays representative of the lazy scammer branch. Thanks to the reader for the mail, and in the end the US$250 stays with her and not with a dubious money collector of the Nigerian mafia.
It doesn’t get any dumber than that, it was a few minutes, then Oha, or whatever his name is, had presented his real target, the 250US§. No transport costs that much.
Therefore: Do not reply, do not send any documents or even money for clearance fees or the like.
Dear sir
i got your email firstly i want to start by informing you that your fund is not in those banks any more because the federal
government has directed your fund to this bank for your payment through my department and i am now the right person to pay
your fund and since your fund has been converted into an Atm Card wich has been ready with me right now in my office for the
delivery to your country you should kindly comply with us by tendering your information and home address where you will
desire to receive your ATM Card for an accurate delivery to your home.
The information required from you for the Delivery of your ATM Card is such as below.
1, Your full………..
2, Your home address. ………..
3, Your occupation………………..
4, Direct Telephone Number. … ……………..
Thanks For your anticipated co-operation and understanding. We will serve You better.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr James Oha
ECO Bank Management
For what is this, is it my card

Dear: sir
I have received your email and the contents are well noted, i wish toinform you that we have confirmed from the a suitable courier deliveryservice company (FedEX) that the delivery cost of your ATM MASTER CARDto your address is $250 and they assured us that the delivery will getto your address/door step within three days (72Hours) from the timethe delivery charge of $250 is paid.
I want to bring it to your knowledge that before the bank managementdecided to release your funds to you through ATM CARD method ofpayment, the bank have thought of different method of payment likeBank Wire Transfer, Online Wire Transfer, Diplomatic Delivery etc andfound out that the best and costless method of payment is ATM MASTERCARD where it will cost you only the delivery charge of $250, so anATM MASTER CARD has been issued to you and your fund sum ofUS$12.5Million is credited in your card and it is ready to be releaseto you.
We have received your address where you want your ATM MASTER CARD tobe delivered to you, and right now the delivery process is in progressand will be completed in short time now, so you are advise to proceedquickly and send the across to us the courier delivery fee of $250while we do the necessary arrangement and packaging of your ATM MASTERCARD for delivery.
Below is the receiver’s information for you to send the fee throughworld remit money transfer or money gram and upon the receipt of the fee from youthe delivery will commence immediately and I will send you the packageshipment tracking number which you will use to be tracking your cardshipment package to enable you know when it get to your address.
Amount To Send: $250
Do forward the world remit money transfer or money gram payment information to meas soon as you send the fee and notify me immediately by given me acall on my direct telephone number below as soon as you send the fee.
NOTE: Your ATM MASTER CARD is programmed with the maximum withdrawalof US$5,500 PER-DAY at any ATM MACHINE.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. James Oha,ECO BANK PLC
Insisting for payment since 2011
I have received your email and i want to letting you know that you have card once you comply with me you not sending to us you send to delivery company and we can not use because of 250 euros to give you bank account the money too smail to wire to account i will advise you Below is the receiver’s information for you to send the fee throughworld remit money transfer or money gram or wu and upon the receipt of the fee from youthe delivery will commence immediately and I will send you the packageshipment tracking number which you will use to be tracking your cardshipment package to enable you know when it get to your address.
Amount To Send: euros 250
once you assured you that once you send fee today your card will deliver to your door step within 72hrs your time as i said before i will advise you hurry up send fee now Do forward the world remit money transfer or money gram payment information to meas soon as you send the fee and notify me immediately by given me acall on my direct telephone number below as soon as you send the fee.
NOTE: Your ATM MASTER CARD is programmed with the maximum withdrawalof US$5,500 PER-DAY at any ATM MACHINE.Looking forward to hear from you.
Yours Faithfully,Mr. James Oha,

Dear: sir
I have received your email and th zi have attach all document and a copy of card this email go send fee now and your phone number
Below is the receiver’s information for you to send the fee throughworld remit money transfer or money gram and upon the receipt of the fee from youthe delivery will commence immediately and I will send you the packageshipment tracking number which you will use to be tracking your cardshipment package to enable you know when it get to your address.
Receiver’s EMAKA ERIC OBILocation:Lagos,NigeriaAmount To Send: euros 250
Do forward the world remit money transfer or money gram payment information to meas soon as you send the fee and notify me immediately by given me acall on my direct telephone number below as soon as you send the fee.
NOTE: Your ATM MASTER CARD is programmed with the maximum withdrawalof US$5,500 PER-DAY at any ATM MACHINE.
Looking forward to hear from you.
Yours Faithfully,
Mr. James Oha,ECO BANK PLC