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Business Scam

Oil Scam by Jean Rosvuu

Again like a year ago when the Angola oil scam grew into skies.

First and foremost: Of course, the companies mentioned and Angola have nothing to do with the scam.

This can also make us furious.

A country like Angola shaken by decades of civil war, torn and destroyed, corroded by corruption.

Then there are people who believe they can use any means to jump on the bandwagon.

If idiotic scammers think their story will attract anyone, then they really need to get to clasps with the topography and the country, the history of Angola.

There is not enough brains in the hacks’ heads to do that.

And don’t write some idiotic text that nobody believes anyway.

Therefore, whoever receives this offer should immediately move it to the digital dustbin.

Don’t reply, just despise the scammers, that’s all they deserve.

Better to have a bouquet of flowers ready for the dead of Cuando Cubango. Enough people have died on all sides. Many victims still do not have a name on their gravestone. Angola needs to get on its feet. Without being sucked dry by scammers.

Our hint to the scammers who made this mess: Go and clear antipersonnel mines, you’ll be doing something good for once in your life.

Good Day

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we have completed a thorough investigation into a transaction, or should we say, a contract, that we conducted with a Libyan oil corporation. We are therefore trusting that you will assist us in receiving a contract dividend of US $ 68,760,000.00.

We conducted a crude oil supply deal through HAN Oil Angola based on a license issued by the Libyan Oil Cooperation, but we later discovered that the permit holder was not its rightful owner.

Please do not ignore this communication.

Angola’s HAN Oil is required to report any unclaimed funds for permanent closure. Being an executive in the Crude Oil & Products Trading Division of HAN Oil Angola, I have access to all necessary information and contacts to ensure that the funds can be recovered without any trouble.

HAN Oil Angola has deposited funds in escrow in anticipation of receiving legitimate claims for disbursement. Since I was fortunate enough to acquire this information, I believe it could be the key to achieving lifetime success without taking any risks. I can be reached via private email at,

I will not disclose any further information until we receive confirmation that we are in communication with the appropriate party.

I look forward to your prompt response.


Jean Rosvuu

Procurement Supervisor

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