Scammer News
Heritage Scam

Scammers dance with the reality

woman looking through tower viewer

One does wonder if the scammer who wrote these lines, stealing others’ identities, is still salvageable. We think no. He is simply too stupid for life and now he can think about it, maybe even ponder what he did wrong. The trick came from Ghana in the late 1980s, since then it has been almost the same, only the names have been swapped.

Therefore, we advise: do not reply, do not send any documents, no money, simply move the mails into the digital dustbin.

This is to inform you that an instruction and approvals given from International Monetary Fund and Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI), Washington DC, USA regarding the deposited funds from IMF, sum US$25 Million. as full payment of your inheritance fund. To proceed with this transaction, you are required to send the following information for the claim of your fund.

1. Your Full Name

2. Your Resident Address

3. Your Direct Phone Number

4. Your Occupation

5. Your Next of Kin

6. Your Driver’s License

With this information we can proceed and process the transfer of your fund immediately.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr. Ronald P. O’Hanley

CEO Manager

State Street Trustees Bank’s Ltd (SSTB)

State Street, 1290 6th Ave Floor 6, New York, NY 10104, USA.

Hours: Open 7/24 Hours

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