Category : Government Scam
G-Man in Phantasy Land An extreme insolence is the special agent. The identity card of the G-Man was made in a fancyshop. Kids take...
FBI Scam by Ben Johnson
If there's a president like Trump, it's no wonder there are such aberrations....
Steven Mnuchin Scam
A story from the Mad House Now the White House is already being abused by African financial racketeers for their curious deals. Hands off, they...
FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Be aware! Fraudsters use international crises for their purpose
During this international crisis, some figures feel that they are destined to put pressure on users of the Internet to put themselves in the limelight....
Special Agent David Jackson
“Agent Jackson” “Agent Jackson” has been appearing on the horizon for years. He specializes in re-harming the victims who were once harmed as romance victims...