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Charity Scam

The insane offer of Gale Miller

people walking on street near brown concrete building during daytime

We thank the reader for the entry.

The English was too bad even for a Greek lawyer he pretended to be. The law firm does not exist and meanwhile fake lawyers are flooding the world with their countless promises.

The story is otherwise familiar and reminiscent of Doris Mueller. The lawyer is not known to the Athens Bar Association. Neither the donation nor the law firm there. One should not sign, no papers and certainly not send the hefty fee to the wrong 50 US$ note. Do not send a passport copy, it would be turned for further crimes. Move the mail to the digital dustbin.

The real Gail Miller has got nothing to do with it, her identity was misused.

Dear beloved,

Good to hear from you and thanks for your response. I must say that my spirit has been lifted since I received your response regarding this humanitarian project. You won’t be able to know the number of lives we can impact on this project, but I think you need a brief personal introduction about me before we proceed further with this project. My full name is Gail Miller, I was born on October 14, 1943 (age 77 years), the widow of Larry H. Miller, I am the chairwoman of the Larry H. Miller Group of Companies and chairwoman of the Salt Lake Community College. I am a billionaire with a net worth of US$2.4 billion,

I am happy to know you, I have never doubted my instinct as it has never failed me, even as it has directed me to you at this point, so don’t be afraid. I bring to you a proposal worth the sum of (USD 7,200,000.00) which I intend to use for a humanitarian project. I want to establish a foundation with your help to reach out to the less privileged, orphans, and homeless people around the world. Due to my current state of health, I can’t do this myself because I am very sick and I had only a little time left due to a recent medical report from the Doctor, it’s only with your cooperation and efforts that this project can see the light of day. So I use this medium to implore you to do all you have to make this a reality. I may not live to see this project’s realization, but I am confident that you would complete this humanitarian project at all costs. The sum of (USD 7,200,000.00) is deposited in my bank account in Europe. I have already discussed this matter with my Attorney in Europe and he is going to work with my bank to secure the funds from where it has been kept in a very proper and legal manner. My attorney is in charge of the paperwork which will authorize you as the beneficiary of the fund, he will also arrange with the Bank in your name as the beneficiary of the fund to transfer the funds to you with your personal data.

Note. You are required to contact my attorney and send him your personal details with the below contact email:

Law Firm Name: Alexis George Law
Attorney Name:  Mr. Alexis George Esq.
Contact Email:
Official  E-mail:

The total amount is $7,200,000.00 (Seven Million, Two Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars). You are required to use 70% of the funds for the humanitarian project. The remaining 30% is for your personal use and any incurred expenses. Please ensure that this is not disclosed to anybody until the money has been successfully transferred to you because of security reasons on my side. Rest assured that there are no risks involved, attached to this email is a copy of my photo. Please contact my Attorney immediately with the above email address so he can proceed with the paperwork. Thanks.

Stay Blessed,
Mrs. Gail Miller         

Alexis George Law
Attorneys & Counselors at Law(Barristers, Advocates & Solicitors)

Akadimias 73,

city buildings near mountain under blue sky during daytime
Photo by lazarescu alexandra on Unsplash

106 78 Athens, Greece.

Tel:+30 694 207 4028
I’m Attorney Alexis George Esquire, a legal practitioner, and counsel to Mrs.  Gail Miller. Meanwhile, the benefactor has already informed me about your solemn agreement to help her execute her most important wish of giving out to the needy in society. Mrs. Gail Miller has instructed me to assist you in clearing her $7,200,000.00 (Seven Million, Two Hundred Thousand U.S Dollars) deposit with her bank and transfer it to you for humanitarian works in your country. In receipt of this letter of acknowledgment, you are to print and fill out the attached Power of Attorney and Personal Information form.

On the Power of Attorney, you are only required to fill in your Full names, Current date, and Signature to enable me to begin the process of making you the new beneficiary of the funds. The personal information form will enable me to prepare change of ownership documents including Affidavit of Claims with other vital legal documents at the Court by the Law governing deposit claim and the transfer of huge funds meant for humanitarian works in a foreign jurisdiction. These are the documents that will be presented to the bank before the funds will be approved for transfer to your bank account. The documents will be prepared by the Judicial High Court of Justice.

Note: You are not allowed to fill out the form with any of the online editing applications, please be advised that you are only required to print and fill out the form by hand and not with a computer because the form needs to be submitted at the court. If you do not have a printer, you are advised to print the form via any public Internet services or libraries. Scan and send the Power of Attorney and the Personal Information Form back to me via my e-mail address. Endeavor to comply immediately because Mrs.  Gail Miller   is in a critical health condition, and she has mandated me to ensure that the fund gets to you as soon as possible for you to donate among charity organizations in your community so that God will have mercy on her soul
Please be advised to treat this information as strictly confidential and urgent as per instructions from my client. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
I look forward to your response.- Best Regards,

Mr. Alexis George Esq.

Attorney At LawTel: 

+30 694 207 4028

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