Scammer News
Africa Scam

Dr (Scam) Paul Baker

Portrait of a juvenile Francois Langur at the Memphis Zoo.

Well, something from the IMF again, the story is now as bad as it can be because there is no such department. The story is so poor that it is not worth doing any great research either because it is simply West African amateur crooks who come up with such inane mails. It is a boring rehash of old stories. Therefore: don’t reply, don’t send personal documents, don’t send money, just move the mail to the bin.

From:  Fund Recovery & Management Agency Under “IMF”

Attn: ,


With regards to the directive received today from Funds Recovery &
Management Agency A subsidiary of International Monetary Fund “IMF” we have been
mandated to contact you with immediate instruction to release to you
your over due approved Funds which has been recovered and appropriated
for swift and smooth transfer into your designated bank account.
Get back to us with your full information for more details.
Await your reply
Dr Paul Baker.
Financial Controller
Funds Recovery & Management Agency. (IMF)

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