Scammer News
Refugee Scam

A cold in Cotonou-Benin Republic the ugly refugee scam from Teresa Anders

We thank our reader for sending us this monstrous piece of human abyss.

At a time when people all over the world are seeking refuge from despots and other political rabble, scammers from West Africa think they can make a good deal by jumping on the bandwagon.

It is the most brutal business structured by some pimp-like gangs who have chosen these, always the same stories, as their recipe for success.

Rich princess from a smouldering trouble spot, with a large inheritance from her late father or the evil envious relatives.

Now arrived in a supposedly safe refugee camp in the care of a charitable clergyman they want to share the inheritance with the victim.

Thick-chested and tight-assed women whose pictures were stolen from some model catalogue always present themselves and target Europeans. We have decided to print the pictures in the hope that the rightful owner will come forward.

The poor princesses who now get a cold in the refugee camp where there is only one phone, a mobile phone that mostly belongs to the United Nations. That’s where the starving creatures now have to be summoned by the priest who is listed again and again.

When all this spooky no longer works, they switch to Romance Scam. Of course, the inheritance, which sometimes amounts to no less than US$ 100,000,000, is to be celebrated with the new galan in Europe. With this, the second bait is thrown out, or wild stories are invented to happen in the UN camp or in Red Crescent camps.

Anyone who has ever been in such a camp immediately suspects that these circumstances cannot correspond to what happens in reality and are only intended to increase the willingness of potential victims to pay.

The always feigned belief is only a tool to gain the trust of the victims.

We can only warn everyone to send documents, the perpetrators are brutal, inhuman figures who know no chutzpah, who exploit every scrap of information they receive. If the perpetrators know anything, it is to blackmail, use the papers for people smuggling, drug deals, rip deals or money laundering and identity theft.

There are entire call centres that do nothing but analyse such data all day. The Nigerian “Black Axe” takes particular pleasure in this and has already arrived in Europe with the scam. Even if the perpetrators beg, threaten, no data, no money. The money would be irretrievably lost.

It is laundered via Western Union, mostly through an area manager for countless runners who collect the money from the money services. In return, the pimp gets money. A percentage.

Never believe what these creatures , the lowest drawer of human existence writes, everything is wrong with the person, even if the head of the UN personally wants to pimp the princess now.

In the next few months, many mails of this kind will be written by alleged Afghan refugees who all have something to save from the Islamists. Ignore the laughs-and factual stories of the scammers.

Based on the recognisable typeface, the mails come from the common suspects. (Ghana, Nigeria, telephone is answered in Togo, Burkina Faso or the Ivory Coast, Senegal or simply undirected with spoofing of the telephone number)

One other warning: Do not let yourself be lured to Africa by the pack that writes to you, you would probably survive it. The masterminds are warlords who know no shame whatsoever if something comes out of a rip-off deal.

Greetings to you,
How is your day? I hope everything is fine.

Thanks for your response to my email, it is my pleasure to hear from you.My name is Teresa Anders . I am 25 years old, single, tall, fair in complexion, very good looking girl, understanding and loving girl, above all am God fearing. I like listening to cool musics, watching adventure and romantic movies, studying about life, learning new things (good ones of course), staying with people that gives more value to me, I hate proud people and lies .I’m from Sudan in west Africa but presently i reside in Benin Republic as a result of the death of my parents. I am feeling left alone in this whole wide world because I have no brother, nor sister nor someone to call my relatives so I really need you in my life.

Well, everything cannot be said in just one email so I would like you to tell me more about yourself with your pictures. Your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and where you stay at present.

I have many more things to tell you about myself but that would be after I got to know you more.
Attached here are my pictures. Please endeavor to send me your own pictures and you can call me with +22953915538, Just tell the person that you want to talk to Teresa and he will send for me.
I Hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Teresa Anders 

My Dear,
I am more than happy with your reply to my mail

.How are you today? I hope you are fine. Mine is a little bit cold over here in Cotonou-Benin Republic.  In this Orphanage home where I am right now, we are not allowed to leave the Building all the time.   It’s just like one staying in the prison here and i hope to come out of  here soon.I don’t have any relatives now whom i can go to because all my relatives ran away in the middle of the war that happened in Sudan, the only person i have now is (Rev.Steve  Duke ) who is the Reverend Father and the Parish Priest of the ( St. James Catholic Church ), here in the camp. He has been very good to me since i came here but l am not living with him. Rather, I am living in the women’ s hostel because the camp has two hostels, one for men and the other for women.
As a refugee here I don’t have any right or privilege to any thing be it money or whatever because it is against the law of this country. please i will like to hear your voice on phone i  have something very important to tell you,  you can call me through the Pastors  phone number because i don’t have my own self phone,  so you can call me with his Telephone number  (You  can call me with the Rev.Fr  Steve Phone Number …..  +229-53915538,  Tell him that you want to speak with  Teresa Anders  and he will send it to me .) you are free to call me at any given time  because I have told him all about you.
Please listen to this,(it’s a secret) i have my late father’s FUND DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE and THE DEATH CERTIFICATE here with me which shall be used to claim his money from the bank,because when he was alive he deposited some amount of money in one of the leading bank in Benin Republic  which he used my name as the next of kin. 

The amount in question is $3.7M ( Three Million Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars) .So i will like you to help me transfer this money to your account and from it you will send some money for me to get my traveling documents and air ticket to come over there to meet with you.I kept this secret away to people in the camp here but the only person that knows about it is  Reverend Fr.  Steve because he is like a father to me,  But he does not know that i have the FUND DEPOSIT CERTIFICATE and MY LATE FATHER’S DEATH CERTIFICATE here with me .So i will like you to keep it to yourself and don’t tell it to anyone for i am afraid of loosing my life and the money if people gets to know about it and when i will be there with you.Remember i am giving you all this information due to the trust i deposed on you.I like honest and understanding people,trustful and a man of vision,optimistic and hardworking.My favorite language is English because it is my country’s general language and i learned French at the school which i can speak very well. Meanwhile I would like you to call me like I said that i have a lot to tell you.Have a nice day and think about me.
Waiting to hear from you soonest.
I would like you to send me your contact information such as,
Full Name . . . . . .
Address . . . . . .
Telephone . . . . . .
Age . . . . . .
Occupation . . . . . .
With Love And Trust From Your Darling,
Teresa Anders  . 

More pictures here and here

Teresa Anders , scammer pictures stolen
Teresa Anders, scammer pictures stolen
Teresa Anders in the US, scammer pictures stolen

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