Scammer News
Corona or Covid19 Scam

Ted Vogels Covid-19 Scam

This story goes back much longer- to 2009, when the Hoax of the British lottery went viral – it was the same perpetrators who probably did it.

The Hoax reference number went around for months and the suspects at the time were Nigerians living in England, at least for them the trail went there.

The same thing happened with the Irish National Lottery numbers and if you look at the patch 0/74 you will see that they were from September 2006.

At that time astronomical winnings were promised, which of course were not paid out.

There was probably a connection to those who are now putting on Ted Vogel’s Covid-19 Scam and who see themselves as a semi-governmental organisation on behalf of the World Health Organisation.

This programme does not exist-no one is paying out millions via the internet.

The perpetrators only want to earn money from the transfer or from the processing fee.

Therefore, as in any scam, do not reply, do not send documents, do not send money. Move the mail to the digital waste bin. It goes without saying that the names of the organisations listed endlessly in the email were stolen by the perpetrators.

Treasury Building
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C., U.S

Customer Service
Ref: US/9420X2/68
Batch: 074/05/ZY369
Ticket Number:2344

Greetings Sir,

We are pleased to announce to you the result of the World Health Organization international live COVID-19 ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER GRANT held between July-August 2021. Your email address was attached to ticket number:2344. On behalf of the entire Covid 19 relief palliative team, we wish to congratulate all the sponsors, partners especially Telecom for providing the Mobile Directories for the Relief Programme and powered by VISA and MASTER CARD for Individuals, Businesses, Private Non-profits, Homeowners and Renters. Every participant was selected randomly from the computer ballot system.

The World Health Organization in collaboration with its Parent Organization United Nations Economic and Social Council looked at the coronavirus pandemic damage on the world economy and decided to help individuals and companies to bounce back to their respective businesses. While basking in the euphoria of this achievement, we wish to seize this opportunity to acquaint you with guidelines that must be followed in order to complete this claim. On our part, we have a mandate to see you through. We will work assiduously to realize this mandate as we respect your views, opinions and most importantly protect your privacy.

Please, kindly provide us with the following information for verification of your prize and production of your prize certificate;

Full name…………………….. …………..

Full address………………….. ……………….

Age……………………… …………………

Sex……………………… …………………

Nationality………….. ……………………

Home Telephone #………………………

Mobile Telephone #……………………..

Occupation…………….. …………………

We will immediately start the process to facilitate your funds release as soon as you send the required details. For security reasons, you are advised to keep your Winning information confidential until your grant is processed and remitted to you. Any form of double claim Will lead to disqualification.

Once again congratulations from members and staff of world Health organisation, COVID-19 ECONOMIC INJURY DISASTER GRANT Treasury Building
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue,
NW Washington, D.C., U.S. What’s app 435 281 4776

You have been selected to become a Beneficiary from the Ongoing United Nations Covid-19 Financial empowerment outreach program for Americans & Non-American citizens and Asian Citizens all over the globe. Your Eligibility Application is attached. Fill Accurately and submit to ascertain your Eligibility.

For more information visit our website: http:/ /

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Ted Vogel ®
Executive Director
Falmouth Brokerage
Massachusetts Avenue,
NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036

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