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Another Convocation

Numerous readers have written to us in recent days. They also sent us these alleged summonses from EUROPOL, including a letter from the president of EUROPOL, Mrs de Bolle.

Of course, they have been robbed of their identity. In these international summonses, written in French, the potential victims were softened up to pay exorbitant sums against the discontinuation of proceedings allegedly opened by the authority.

Including pillories for sex offenders on the internet, to which the victims were to be put if they did not pay the offenders. The allegations are serious.

When the perpetrators get a response, we went through this, a supposed Christian RODRIGUEZ of the French police appears and explains that the victim has 48 hours to respond to the allegations. Rodriguez, who has also been stripped of his identity, then explains that he even has an arrest warrant for the specific victim.

Stammering wildly – paedophilia is quite a serious charge

The summonses are badly done. But apparently the perpetrators have gathered information about their victims, as victims report. The perpetrators, who probably operate out of Abidjan in the Ivory Coast, forge stamps of the 5th French Republic to make the paper look more genuine. Even a warrant of arrest has been issued.

In doing so, the perpetrators invoke Article 390-1 – Code de procédure pénale, which is supposed to allow statements that then lead to the desired confessions being sent as quickly as possible. All this is done on behalf of the French Ministry of the Interior, the Gendarmerie nationale and EUROPOL.

Following a statement by EUROPOL on the unbelievable events, the authority confirmed that in the meantime proceedings have been initiated at national level in Belgium and France against those behind these perfidious blackmail methods. However, there are apparently different forms that the perpetrators use to intimidate the victims.

The perpetrators, who usually deal with Romance Scam, are of an extreme brutality and it is not yet clear whether they want to find out the addresses in order to “cash in” personally. The ip addresses of the perpetrators are similar to those of travelling scammers who send such mails from hotels in Africa in order to avoid being caught.

Therefore: Do not reply to such letters. Do not send any personal documents, these would be abused without restraint. Moreover, the perpetrators would know where you live and use this opportunity to commit other crimes, such as burglaries. On your papers they would write invitations for African women and then commit human smuggling, etc.

Pay nothing. That would only be the beginning. The perpetrators will not let go of you.

Contact the police and have the perpetrators prosecuted.

Proceedings would never be by acclamation and PDF, there would be a proper summons in the home country. Nor would it be done within 48 hours without a lawyer. The perpetrators are only interested in keeping the victims under pressure.

Director General of the Gendarmerie Nationale

Adresse : 4 rue Claude-Bernard 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

Pou r les nécessités d’une enquête judiciaire (Article 390-1 du Code de
procédure pénale)

À votre attention,
À la demande de Madame, Catherine DE BOLLE commissaire générale de la police fédérale, élue au
poste de Directrice d’Europol ” Brigade de protection des mineurs (BPM) ” nous vous adressons cette
convocation. La COPJ ou convocation par officier de police judiciaire est prévue par l’article 390-1 du
Code de Procédure Pénale. Elle vaut citation devant le Tribunal et est décidée par le Procureur de la
En application des dispositions de l’article 372 du code pénal énonce : ” Tout attentat à la pudeur
commis sans violences ni menaces sur la personne ou à l’aide de la personne d’un enfant de l’un ou
de l’autre sexe, âgé de moins de 16 ans accomplis, sera puni de la réclusion. L’article 227-23 du
Code pénal dispose : « Le fait, en vue de sa diffusion, de fixer, d’enregistrer ou de transmettre l’image
ou la représentation d’un mineur lorsque cette image ou cette représentation présente un caractère
pornographique est puni de cinq ans d’emprisonnement et de 75 000 Euros d’amende. Nous
engageons à votre encontre, des poursuites judiciaires peu après une saisie informatique de la
Cyber-infiltration pour :

  • Pédopornographie
  • Pédophilie
  • Exhibitionnisme
  • Cyber pornographie
  • Trafic sexuel
    Pour votre information, la loi 390-1 du Code de procédure pénale de mars 2007 aggrave les peines
    lorsque les propositions, les agressions sexuelles ou les viols ont pu être commis en recourant à
    Vous avez commis l’infraction après avoir été ciblé sur internet (site d’annonce), visualisation
    de vidéo à caractère pédopornographique , des photos/vidéos dénudées de mineur ont été
    enregistrées par notre cyber-gendarme et constituent les preuves de vos infractions.
    Dans un souci de confidentialité nous vous adressons cet e-mail, vous êtes prié de vous faire
    entendre par mail en écrivant vos justifications pour qu’elles soient mises en examen et vérifiées afin
    d’évaluer les sanctions ; cela dans un délai strict de 72 heures. Passé ce délai, nous nous verrons
    dans l’obligation de transmettre notre rapport à Mme Maryvonne CAILLIBOTTE, Procureur de la
    République de Versailles pour établir un mandat d’arrêt à votre encontre et nous procéderons à votre
    arrestation immédiate par la gendarmerie la plus proche de votre Lieu de résidence et vous serez
    fiché au registre national des délinquants sexuels. Dans ce cas, votre dossier sera également
    transmis aux associations de lutte contre la pédophilie et aux medias pour publication de personne
    fiché au RNDS.
    Mr. Christian RODRIGUEZ,

Adresse : 4 rue Claude-Bernard 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

For the purposes of a judicial investigation (Article 390-1 of the Code of Criminal

For your attention,
At the request of Mrs Catherine DE BOLLE, Commissioner General of the Federal Police, elected to the post of Director of Europol
Director of Europol ” Brigade de protection des mineurs (BPM) ” we are sending you this
summons. The COPJ or summons by a judicial police officer is provided for in article 390-1 of the
Code of Criminal Procedure. It is equivalent to a summons to appear before the Court and is decided by the Public Prosecutor.
Procureur de la République.
In application of the provisions of Article 372 of the Penal Code, which states: “Any indecent assault
committed without violence or threats on the person or with the help of the person of a child of either sex
of either sex, under the age of 16, shall be punished by imprisonment. Article 227-23 of the
Penal Code states: “The fact of fixing, recording or transmitting the image or representation of a minor
or representation of a minor when this image or representation is of a pornographic nature is punishable by
pornographic nature is punishable by five years’ imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 Euros. We
initiate legal proceedings against you shortly after a computer seizure of the
Cyber-infiltration for :

  • Child pornography
  • Paedophilia
  • Exhibitionism
  • Cyber pornography
  • Sex trafficking
    For your information, Law 390-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of March 2007 increases the penalties
    when sexual propositions, assaults or rapes may have been committed using the
    the internet.
    You committed the offence after being targeted on the internet (ad site), viewing
    video of a child pornography nature, nude photos/videos of minors were recorded by our
    recorded by our cyber constable and constitute evidence of your offences.
    In the interest of confidentiality, we are sending you this e-mail.
    by e-mail, writing your justifications so that they can be examined and verified in order to evaluate the
    to evaluate the sanctions; this within a strict deadline of 72 hours. After this period, we will be obliged to
    to transmit our report to Mrs Maryvonne CAILLIBOTTE, Public Prosecutor of Versailles
    Prosecutor of Versailles to establish an arrest warrant for you and we will proceed to your immediate arrest by the
    immediate arrest by the gendarmerie closest to your place of residence and you will be
    registered in the national sex offenders’ register. In this case, your file will also be
    transmitted to the associations fighting against paedophilia and to the media for publication as a person
    registered with the RNDS.
    Yours sincerely
    Mr. Christian RODRIGUEZ,

Version 2022

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