Scammer News
ATM Scam

Eco-bank Scam by Ben Bright

cash machine inserted on a wall

For pretend transport fees of ATM cards, scammers will do anything. a Nigeria quickie that the scammers of the West African 419 mafia regularly engage in. In the old days, about 25 years ago, the faxes came from Spain. Every day, 20 of them, over and over again, you could put the paper in and sort out the scams. With the expansion of the internet, from the turn of the millennium onwards, the scams came by e-mail. Now and then by fax.

Therefore do not reply, no contact with the perpetrators, don’t send documents, no money-move the mail to the digital rubbish bin.

Good Day to You!

This is official message from the Eco-bank to inform you that we have
verified your contract file and found out why you have not received
your fund is because you have not fulfilled the obligations given to
you in respect of your fund.

Secondly, We have decided to bring a solution to your problem, right
now we have arranged your payment through our swift card payment
center, this card center will send you an ATM card which you will use
to  withdraw your money in any ATM machine in any part of the world,
but the maximum is (US$10,000.00) per day, so if you like to receive
your fund this way please let us know and also send the following

1) your full name (2) your phone and fax number (3) address were you
want us to  send the ATM card and your nearest airport, also  indicate
if you wish to receive payment either by wire transfer to your account
or by the ATM card.

The ATM card payment center has been mandated to issue out
US$21,300,000.00 as part payment for this fiscal year 2022, to enable
us finalizing the release of the fund to you. email back as soon as
you receive this important message for further direction in this
regards and also update me on any development.

Ben Bright

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