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Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, Dr.Mele Kyari Scam

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Once again an investment deal that is presented in a completely confused way. Or could be understood as compensation. This is not so, the trick goes back to the 1990s and has made many of Nigerian operators rich. Of course, there is no such thing. How could there be? Question the sense or nonsense of such emails. In any case, do not reply, and do not send documents or money. Put the mail in the rubbish bin.


I wish to inform you that I am  Dr.Mele Kyari the Group Managing
Director of  Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,{NNPC} i write to
notify you  that we have been instructed by the United Nation Chairman
to compensate those that were defrauded at the past by the criminals.

The compensation have started since March 2022,it was from the
Nigerian Crude Oil Reserve Fund {NCORF}

We have contacted you twice and there was no responds from you,your
compensation payment of  ($10,000,000.00 USD) is still intact here in
our  office,we have contacted so many beneficiaries and discovered
that  they are no more alive because of Covid 19.

Please respond to our mail to know that you are still alive and at the
same time, you are advised to please re-confirm your (FULL NAME,
ADDRESS, MOBILE NUMBER & YOUR ID CARD) to enable us process your
funds.and  where we will deliver your loaded ATM card to and this
information’s are highly needed to proceed for your payment.

Dr.Mele Kyari
The Group Managing Director
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,{NNPC}

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