Scammer News
Terminal Ill Scam

Stay safe and do not believe in the hoax of Mrs. Jessica Jeffrey

syringe and pills with petri dish

One should not be fooled by God’s words; it is not our Lord God, but the God of the scammers.These people don’t really exist, so these tools are just made up. From the words, you can easily see that there are many scammers who write. You need to read this text to understand how someone knows a lot of money on different social networks.

The deception was a trick.

A complete scam with no substance.Terminal ill is only the brain of the scammer.

Scammers are able to hiss in a way that is already disgusting.

They want to immediately obtain the email address of our readers in order to consolidate the fairy tale of the millions. It is about an advance for notary fees, transport, etc.

None of this is true, the perpetrators come from West Africa. Do not answer, do not send any personal information, no money, no documents. Please move the mail to the digital trash bin.


My name is Mrs. Jessica Jeffrey from United States, a widow suffering
from  Breast Cancer and Stroke, which denied me a child as a result, i
may not last till the next two months according to my doctor report.
I’m married to late Pastor Jeffrey Wilson, and we were married for
many years without any  child before his death. I’m 68 years old
woman. I have some funds i inherited from my late husband the sum of
US$10,000,000,00 (10 million dollars) which i needed a very honest and
God fearing person who will claim the funds from the bank and use the
funds for work of God Affairs like; donation in the house of God,
propagating the good news of God and to endeavor God worshiping place
and help less-privileged. I found your profile and i decided to
contact you for the donation work of God.

I don’t need any telephone communication in this regards because of my
health according to my doctor report, please if you would be able to
use the funds for the work of God as i stated ,contact me back so i
will lead you to Alpha  bank  where this funds was deposited by my
late husband Pastor Jeffrey Wilson  , for you to retrieve the funds in
my name as the next of kin.

please contact me on my private email (

I will stop here until i hear from you.

Always pray for my health.
May God bless you In Jesus name Amen!!!
Mrs. Jessica Jeffrey.

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