Scammer News
IMF Scam

Scott Edward and his moronic IMF story

It is astonishing to see the methods with which even the most stupid scams can be exploited to the point of unrecognisability. No. 48 is the ultimate in this regard, pretending that the IMF, in the form of Mrs Georgieva – the identity of whom and of the IMF has clearly been stolen.

Therefore, do not reply,do not send any documents, never send money, move the mail to the digital waste bin.

International Monetary Fund

( I.M.F ) Head Office

Senior Resident Representative

#1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW,

Washington, DC 20431 USA.

Attention ; Beneficiary,

This is to intimate you of a very important information which will be of a great help to redeem you from all the difficulties you have been experiencing in getting your long over due payment, due to excessive demand for money from you by both corrupt Bank officials and Courier Companies after which your fund remain unpaid to you. It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so many correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are treated by Various Banks and Courier Companies/ Diplomat across Europe to Africa and Asia /London Uk. We have decided to put a stop to that.

We apologize for the delay of your payment and please stop further communication with anyone as regards this transaction.This Office hereby assure your absolute protection and that of your approved Compensation Funds . Your approved amount of USD$5,700,000.00. (Five Million and Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) by the IMF must reach you in any options best for your reception.Your urgent response is needed with your details so that we can immediately proceed with the transfer or delivery of your fund and serve you better.

FULL NAME…………………….







Best Regards,

Mr Scott Edward,

Remmittance Dept,

International Monetary Fund. (I.M.F) 

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