Scammer News
IMF Scam Corona or Covid19 Scam

Mamma Cash or Mammie Kesh


Heads up, scammer

The multiple identity theft of Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva doesn’t make the story any better because all the contributors are supposedly from the 1200, Fitch Way in Sacramento. That’s where some of them came from. Those there were Donna.K. Berliner, Rod Anderson, Mr. John T.Philips: Our attentive readers will recognize that too. They all have the same phone number. The story is hair-raising and, of course, fabricated by the Nigerian mafia.

Therefore: Do not reply, do not send any documents or even money, move the e-mail to the digital waste bin.

(I.M.F.) headquarters
# 1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20431
REF: -XVGNN82010 (+ 1 276 286 0294)

Heads up; Beneficiaries,

Did you instruct a Mrs. Donna K. Heberling to claim yours?
US $ 5,000,000.00. The above person visited this office at 10:45 am
I am yesterday with a power of attorney that gives you your well-being
In favor
and grants you the benefit of processing your outstanding funds
and assert
valued at $ 5,000,000.00 {FIVE Million, United
US dollars) for personal reasons.

She also stated that you are one of the coronavirus diseases
(COVID-19) Sacrifice because you did not survive, but give her a power of
Attorney to claim your outstanding funds before you die. You’re welcome
If you answer this very important question, then you are (dead or alive).

Our office asked Ms. Donna K. Heberling to come back to this
Office within (48) working hours so that we can have staff
Confirmation from you as a previous beneficiary.

(1.) Have you taught a Mrs. Donna K. Heberling from 1200 Fitch Way?
Sacramento, Ca 95864 to request and receive payment on your behalf
because you are dead (2.) Have you signed a deed of assignment?
Your favor makes you your current beneficiary / close relative
Is your fund still outstanding?

We are sorry for your instruction to issue this fund
have delayed
to the new beneficiary, Ms. Donna K. Heberling, for being one of the
Victims of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) but we have to stick to them
Process this honorable organization by doing this
Save order
is analyzed and confirmed by the beneficiary and the existing
Lawyer. Your urgent confirmation is required if you are (dead or)
Alive). Please reply to this email at
with immediate effect.

Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva
International Administrative Director
Monetary Fund. (I.M.F.) (601).
Text #: (+1 276 286 0294)

An irritating variant of the scam came a few days later:

We want to deliver your funds worth of five million usd and please
verify your info

On 9/21/21,

­you have to
choose from the below methods in which you would like your funds to be
delivered to you
so we can there fore
Proceed with the delivery of your ATM card worth of Five Million Dollars.

1, via DHL service: within 2 days at your doorstep
2, via FedEx service: within 2 days at your doorstep
3, by UPS service: at your doorstep within 2 days
4, by Sprint Post Express courier: at your doorstep within 3 days

Confirm your information as soon as possible
as stated below, you can inform us immediately in order
to get more information about your transaction:


Valid ID Card:

This office here by guarantees that you are completely
protected and that
The delivery by your recognized compensation office via ATM CARD is
100% guaranteed. Your
approved amount of US $ 5,000,000.00) from the I.M.F so choose
any of the above
Options that will best suit your reception of your funds.
Please reply to this email
with immediate effect.

Yours Faithfully,

Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva
International Administrative Director
Monetary Fund. (I.M.F.) (601).
Text #: (+1 276 286 0294)

Ten month later:

–( I.M.F ) Head Office
Senior Resident Representative
1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington,
DC 20431, USA.
Attention; Fund Beneficiary,
Did You Instruct One Ms. Donna K. Heberling, To Claim Your US$10,700.000.00. The above-mentioned person visited this Office 10:45am yesterday, with a power of attorney given in her favor by your good self, granting her the benefit to process and claim your pending fund valued US$10,700,000.00 (Ten Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) for personal reasons.
She further stated that you are one of the Coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) victims as you did not survive but you grant her a power of attorney to claim your pending fund before you pass away. Please answer this very important question, are you (Dead OR Alive) our office has asked Ms. Donna K. Heberling, to return back to this office within (48) working hours to enable us to have a personal confirmation from you being hitherto the beneficiary.
(1.) Did you instruct one Ms. Donna K. Heberling, of 1200 Fitch Way, Sacramento, Ca 95864, to claim and receive the payment on your behalf because you are dead?
(2.) Did you sign any ‘Deed of Assignment’ in her favor thereby making her the current beneficiary/Next of Kin to receive your pending fund?
Now your new Payment,
United Nation Approval No; UN5685P,
White House Approved No: WH44CV,
Reference No.-35460021,
Allocation No: 674632
Password No: 339331,
Pin Code No: 55674
Certificate of Merit Payment No: 103,
Released Code No: 0763;
Immediate (IMF) Telex confirmation No: -1114433;
Secret Code No: XXTN013.
Your payment inheritance fund is USD $10.7Million. Having received these vital payment numbers, therefore you are qualified now to receive and confirm your payment with the International Monetary Fund(IMF) immediately. We assure you that your payment will get to you as long as you follow my directives and instructions. We have decided to give you a CODE, THE CODE IS: 680. Please, any time you receive a mail with the name Ms. Kristalina Georgieva, check if there is CODE(680) if the code is not written, please delete the message from your box!
You are hereby advised NOT to remit further payment to any institutions with respect to your transaction as your fund will be transferred to you directly from our source. I hope this is clear. Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. Respond to this e-mail on: ( with immediate effect and we shall give you further details on how your fund will be released.
Ms. Kristalina Georgieva
Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund. (I.M.F)(680).

Another variant weeks later from another email adress:

martins johnson

( I.M.F ) Head Office
#1900 Pennsylvania Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20431

Attention;Dear Beneficiary

Did You Instruct One Ms. Donna K. Berliner, To Claim Your US$10,700.000.00. The above-mentioned person visited this Office 10:45 yesterday, with a power of attorney given in her favor by your good self, granting her the benefit to process and claim your pending fund valued US$10,700,000.00 (Ten Million, Seven Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) for personal reasons. She further stated that you are one of the Corona virus diseases (COVID-19) victims as you did not survive but you grant her a power of attorney to claim your pending funds before you pass away. Please answer this very important question, are you  (Dead OR Alive).Our office has asked Ms. Donna K. Berliner, tore turn back to this office within (48) working ours to enable us to have a personal confirmation from you being hitherto the beneficiary.

(1.) Did you instruct one Ms. Donna K. Berliner of 1200 Fitch Way, Sacramento, Ca 95864,to claim and receive the payment on your behalf because you are dead?

(2.) Did you sign any Deed of Assignment’ in her favor thereby making her current beneficiary/Next of Kin to receive your pending fund?

We are sorry to have delayed your instruction in giving out this fund to the new beneficiary Ms. Donna K. Berliner, since you are one of the Corona virus diseases (COVID-19) Victim but we must adhere to the procedures of this honorable Organization by making sure this request is verified and confirmed by the beneficiary and the existing attorney Your urgent confirmation is required if you are  (Dead OR Alive) You can also reply me on this email;(

Ms. Kristina Georgieva
Managing Director of the International
Monetary Fund. (I.M.F)(0852).

Related posts

A bad and false story of the IMF

Scott Edward and his moronic IMF story


Mrs.Kristalina Georgieva Managing Director (MD) I.M.F Head Office writes again



Tanja K. August 17, 2021 at 11:09 AM

Meine Scammale um 2:32 heute Nacht:

blessing egom
Di, 17.08.2021 02:32
Mit hellem Hintergrund anzeigen
(I.M.F.) Headquarters
# 1900 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20431
REF: -XVGNN82010 (+ 1 276 286 0294)

Heads up; Beneficiaries,

Did you instruct a Ms. Donna K. Heberling to claim your money?
$ 5,000,000.00.? The above person visited this office at 10:45 am
last week with a power of attorney that gives you your well-being
In favor of
and gives you the advantage of processing your outstanding funds
and claim
valued at $ 5,000,000.00 {FIVE Million, United
US dollars) for personal reasons.

She also stated that you are one of the coronavirus diseases
(COVID-19) Sacrifice because you didn’t survive but gave her the power
Attorney to collect your outstanding funds before you die. You’re welcome
If you or someone answers this very important question so that we know
what is right, are you (dead or alive)?

Our office asked Ms. Donna K. Heberling to come back to this
Office within (48) working hours so that we can have staff
Confirmation from you or someone who is allowed to read this email as
a previous beneficiary.

(1.) Have you taught a Mrs. Donna K. Heberling from 1200 Fitch Way?
Sacramento, Ca 95864, to request and receive payments on your behalf
because you are dead (2.) Have you signed a deed of assignment?
Your favor makes you your current beneficiary / close relative
Is your fund still outstanding?

We regret your instruction to issue this fund
have been late
to the new beneficiary, Ms. Donna K. Heberling, as one of the
Victims of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) but we have to stick to it
Process this honorable organization by doing this
Save order
will be used by the beneficiary and the existing. analyzed and confirmed
Attorney. Your urgent confirmation is required if you are (dead or)
Alive). Please reply to this email
with immediate effect.

Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva
International Administrative Director
Monetary Fund. (I.M.F.) (601).
Text number: (+1 276 286 0294)

Tanja K. August 17, 2021 at 11:12 AM

Diese Scammail belomme ich fast täglich nur etwas abgeändert im Wortlaut und andere Absender:
Mo, 16.08.2021 21:15

Ich bin Maria Elisabeth Schaeffler, eine deutsche Geschäftsfrau, Investorin und Geschäftsführerin der Schaeffler Gruppe. Ich bin einer der Eigentümer der Schaeffler Gruppe. Ich habe 25 Prozent meines persönlichen Vermögens für wohltätige Zwecke verschenkt. Und ich habe auch zugestimmt, die restlichen 25% in diesem Jahr 2021 an Einzelpersonen zu geben. Aufgrund des Ausbruchs des Corona-Virus in Europa und dem Rest der Welt habe ich beschlossen, Ihnen und einigen anderen zufälligen Personen 1.000.000 Euro zu spenden. Kontaktieren Sie mich für weitere Informationen.
Kontaktieren Sie uns einfach unter:
Sie können auch mehr über mich unter dem folgenden Link lesen: // ================= Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Frau Maria-Elisabeth Schaeffler, Geschäftsführerin der Schaeffler Gruppe


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