Scammer News
Your Questions-we answer

Questions and Answers about Scam #6

Has there been a story that has been very close to you?

Well, we all quaffed at the ‘Alina’ programme, where victims were spread all over the world and other crimes were also committed in this context.

We interviewed one victim. This interview appeared in various publications. It gave us a lot of substance for thought how it is possible that such people get away with this method of repeatedly falsifying papers.

Have you ever filed a criminal complaint?

A teacher from Brussels in Belgium wanted to know this from us. Yes, we have. In the ‘Mariya Khalifa‘ case, where we were so brutally threatened by the scammers that we had to act. We believe that in the refugee scam in particular, there are a few masterminds who feed on ever new stories and release them to the world public with tremendous regularity. We did this as well in the Alina/Anne-Marie Giradet programme. Even the authorities of the Ivory Coast were informed.

Additional components are comparable, and especially the pictures sent by the supposedly heavily in love refugee women from the camps spread all over Africa are not only a new method of mixing refugee scam with romance scam, but come from the pen of a few low-metric scribblers who should rather pursue another profession.

Their arts are outdated.

By now, most of our readers of our publications are familiar with the excesses of refugee scams and the lamentations about the situation: “Hear my cry! Send me money for my life. …”
Mariya Khalifa‘ was one of these extremely brutal programmes and in this context, to conclude the question, we filed criminal charges with the relevant authorities. They have gained quite valuable knowledge as a result.

Another programme is ‘Alina’. After several complaints against the programme, many victims have joined forces. One hears from the victims that after such a disappointment they are also prepared to throw some more money after the bad to confront the real masterminds of this perversion of human abysses.

The victims are usually traumatized for years, feel observed, are insecure and have to fear that they will become victims of other equally brutal crimes again. This is the case with burglaries, only, for example.

In most cases, the perpetrators know from photos of the victims what their home looks like. Scammers know each other and exchange information.
Therefore, I would like to warn you once again that you should think carefully about whom you give your pictures of your house or make it to others available to. Especially not to a person whose picture you have received, but with whom you cannot communicate live. Most of the time, you notice it because of the time difference and many more issues, we will answer in the next edition Questions and Answers about Scam. For the German and French readers, we will publish in their language the same text.

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