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It is astonishing to see the methods with which even the most stupid scams can be exploited to the point of unrecognisability.
Weihnachtslotterie der Gauner
Niemand konnte den Jackpot knacken, da die Lotterie nicht echt war. Es ist keineswegs abwegig, die Geschichte der Betrüger zu erzählen.
Yet another sick bitcoin extortion scheme
Seems like another blackmailer trying to cheat his way to prominence.
Scammers dance with the reality
One does wonder if the scammer who wrote these lines, stealing others' identities, is still salvageable.
Again Jane Mandy Banat-with a new version of her death
Jane Mandy Banat has been dying for years, now a new version comes along that knows about terminal scamming.
Ottoman Musa and his Scam from Monvoria, Liberia
Probably the mail comes from Turkey, from one of the many fraud factories that formed in the haze.
Haben Sie einen wunderbaren Tag mit Rechtsanwalt Sylvester Ajagbe
Für wie dumm muss der Herr Ajagbe die Welt halten?
Enock Nanny and his weired story
Now the Enock nanny is equal to madness
Faule Geschichte
Die Geschichte erscheint auf den ersten Blick sehr interessant und ähnelt der englischen Version einer Bankgeschichte, die wir vor einigen Monaten in Hongkong bereits einmal
Scammers all mixed up
Everyone knows that these connections do not exist, or cannot exist, neither the money nor the entire connections via the oh-so-benevolent authorities.