Tag : Nigeria
A story from the Mad House Now the White House is already being abused by African financial racketeers for their curious deals. Hands off, they...
REACH HER FOR YOUR MONEY NOW !!! (Well, the scammers reach out for your money now)
Sure Gilbert Williams Frost was in Washington....
One day in Lagos: Fraud Alert Department in United Nations Fund Release Department
Even the Wells Fargo Bank and the United Nations is misused by these culprits....
Scammer Alarm
Jeder kennt diese E-Mails. Unzählige werden jeden Tag, von verschiedenen Punkten der Welt aus, versandt. Erst ärgerten uns die ständig 9Qrr47i_en Mails. Dann jedoch, wurden sie...
Bibria Craig’s “Scammer-Start”
The typical opener for the Scammer gang, be alert:...
Special Agent David Jackson
“Agent Jackson” “Agent Jackson” has been appearing on the horizon for years. He specializes in re-harming the victims who were once harmed as romance victims...