Tag : Senegal
This was a serious attempt to receive an invitation to Europe, with a few important changes, many phone numbers, and e-mail addresses that always shine...
World Scam Assisted Programme
It is a wild story and a murky mishmash of authorities and organisations. We almost fainted from reading it....
A Little Scammer Colour
If anyone could win the prize for extreme stupidity, it would be the scammers from this division....
The Endless Refugee-Scam from Miss Marie Richard (2)
After the first wave of the sad story of the alleged Miss Marie Richard, the further corrospondency developed into a simple spoon scam...
Miss Marie Richard-Scammers Reverend is waiting for stupid victims (1)
Even the Nigerian Embassy in Dakar wants to know more about this very mean creatures. One will not believe how long this offenders are on...
Scammer gibberish – Joyce Andrew
There are apple phones, Toshiba laptops, 1 LED TV, i-phones, gold wristwatches and some gold jewellery, video cameras, shoes, package shirts, trousers, woofer sound system,...
The story of Mariyah Khalifa
A new scam from the field of refugee scams: Mariyah Khalifa program, supposedly from Senegal, garnished with abundant fake images, the program is new on...
Mortal danger- Alluvial Gold Bars
A particularly brazen piece comes from the gold industry, or the industry that claims to be it. Felix Oneire does not exist. The mine does...
Wilde Geschichte
Als Entertainment ganz gut, aber dann in den Mülleimer- der nächste Schritt wäre, dass die Dokumente etwas kosten, gewöhnlich 500-800 US $, der Notar und...
Aus dem Senegal -Scammer- Kurznachrichten
Diesmal führt die Spur der Scammer vor die Haustür in Saint-Louis/ Senegal, nicht in den Benin und nach Burkina Faso....