Author : scammer.ticker
497 Posts -
Another lawyer who has found a name that sounds so similar....
Trilingual Scam from Russia
Another clown from the East, trying to pretend with Cyrillic characters that he is up to great things as the alleged Treasury Secretary Yellen....
Discount Sextortion
Just another bitcoin extortionist who thinks the rest of the world is stupid. He did often before. It's a fraud factory....
Der Sex-Scammer und Spammer-Abacus online Global k.f.t
Dein Profil ist gerade sehr beliebt!... Ohne dass es jemand weiss, sind schon Likes und Nachrichten erstellt für die die solche Likes oder Nachrichten nicht...
Scammers Delivery and Logistics Department
Yes, it's just another fraudulent quickie, written in big letters and nothing else. I...
United Nations Scam I
Yes, this is once again a pure scammer quickie...
The World Cup of Torturers and Scammers
Not that there were already enough crooks in connection with the World Cup 22 in Qatar,...
Turkish Delight
When someone proposes a lucrative deal and presents it in this form, you know it's an offer from the bacon belt of Mr Erdogan, who...
Völlig aus der Bahn gerutscht
Kein Name, aber viel Monopoly mit einem augenscheinlich Wahnsinnigen und seiner kyrillischen Tastatur in Deutsch und in Englisch....
Scott Edward and his moronic IMF story
It is astonishing to see the methods with which even the most stupid scams can be exploited to the point of unrecognisability....